Číslo 3 (2013)

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    David Graeber - Dluh. Prvních 5000 let (2012)
    (AntropoWeb, 2013) Brunclíková, Lenka
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    Možnosti využití nedestruktivních analýz na bázi RTG záření v archeologii
    (AntropoWeb, 2013) Říha, Jan; Brejchová, Denisa; Menšík, Petr; Koscelník, Petr; Chvojka, Ondřej
    X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) are among the basic methods for evaluation of the inner structure and chemical composition of materials. This paper describes the principles and possibilities of using these methods primarily in archaeology and anthropology. Specific results of analyses of a series of ceramic potsherds and a steel crossbow arrow are presented.
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    Porozumění českým a francouzským sémantickým gestům
    (AntropoWeb, 2013) Suchá, Romana
    This paper presents the results of a research project examining intercultural variations in the comprehension of Czech and French emblematic gestures. Four focus groups were asked to formulate their understanding of twenty selected gestures: ten French emblematic gestures and ten Czech gestures. The groups included: Czechs cooperating with French in the Czech Republic (Ca), French cooperating with Czechs in the Czech Republic (Fa), Czechs without any previous experience of working jointly with the French (Cb) and French lacking such contact with Czechs (Fb). Each group consisted of 20 respondents. The researcher demonstrated each of the twenty gestures and the respondents were asked to interpret their understanding of these in their own words. The responses were then coded as either ‘understood’ or ‘not understood’. The Chi-square test was applied to the analysis of the data collected to establish the significance of the results obtained. The research confirmed a positive influence of mutual contact by group Fa, as it was able to demonstrate a better understanding of Czech emblematic gestures compared to group Fb. Similarly, group Ca reaffirmed a better understanding of French gestures compared to group Cb. In the set, four gestures were understood by both the French and Czech sub-groups and no interactional cultural influence was established.
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    Předběžné poznámky k multimodální transkripci pro neslyšící: příklad úpravy filmových titulků pro osoby, které mají převážně vizuální zkušenost se světem
    (AntropoWeb, 2013) Kováčová, Tamara
    This paper presents preliminary notes on the process of transfer of information, specifically with regard to movie subtitles, from the modality of the spoken word to that of the written word. The use of multimodal transcription and its specific use in targeting the transcription for an audience with a different cognitive experience of the world is described. Multimodal transcription is demonstrated with an analysis of about forty pre-recorded subtitles adapted for a deaf and hard-of-hearing audience for Scandinavian movies. This phenomenon offers a new area of interest for linguistics, anthropology and semiotics. Two of the most significant needs of multimodal transcription were analysed. The first one is adding information about various noises heard in the soundtrack and the second is transcription of monologues of the inner speech of characters or speeches of characters not visible in the shot. The paper discusses the use of coloured subtitles for character differentiation and specifics of transcribing information about music. Information about timing and linguistic registers used in subtitles is included, as is information about the use of reduced subtitles for movies targeting a deaf audience and the role of such transcription for educational purposes.
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