Číslo 1 (2010)

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    Boží blud: přináší náboženství
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Tydlitátová, Věra
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    Godly Clergy in Early Stuart England
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Hanza, Karel
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    Rozhovor s profesorem Zdeňkem Salzmannem
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Budil, Ivo
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    Jaké postoje zaujímají neinstitucionalizované náboženské komunity k procesu individualizace?
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Váně, Jan
    The aim is to present a case study of a non-institutionalized religious community with prevalent orientation to the Roman Catholic confession. Although it is not part of the Roman Catholic Church, it is in certain aspects being gradually integrated into the state institutional structures. The author presents results of his research and attempts to explore how the adaptation strategies of the community influence their daily work and how the individualization is understood. Adaptation strategies and forms of individualization are examined in the light of findings of modern sociology of religion, while the project focuses primarily on the qualitative empirical research.
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    Fotogrammetrická dokumentace
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Švejnoha, Josef
    This paper is intended to give brief information about one of the first cases in the Czech Republic, when the newest methods of digital photogrammetry were used, in order to precisely document an archaeological excavation. The focus is on whole workflow, starting with taking of photographs in the field, going through data management and applied software up to creating data outputs. In conclusion some drawbacks are discussed, as well as a few suggestions for the future research.
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    G. K. Chesterton jako „Defensor Fidei”
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Míčka, Roman
    The paper by Roman Míčka called «G. K. Chesterton as a Defensor Fidei» tries to place Chesterton's work into the context of theological and apologetical thought and especially into the context of Christian spirituality in its first part. It tries to describe and reflect specifics of Chesterton's religious attitudes and experience of faith. Besides the accent on practical sense and virtuous life his spirituality is distinguished by great friendship to the world, toleration to controversial historic dramas of Christianity and acknowledgement of the value of sensual world. It is a spirituality of joy and sensuality, friendly attitude to enjoyment. By this Chesterton represents an «antimystical» and an «antiascetical» tradition in the context of Catholic Christianity. The second part of the paper is focused on Chesterton's book The Catholic Church and Conversion [1926] which is less known in the Czech background. The book is placed into the context of other Chesterton's apologetical works and the paper acceses and reflects fundamental ideas of the book, especially those refering to the character of Catholicism. There are accesed and reflected Chesterton's opinions concerning the position of Catholicism in the context of other Christian denominations and its future perspectives, Chesterton's conception of Catholic tradition and relation to religious truth, the question of Catholic accenting particular truths in specific historic contexts, when Chesterton presents Catholicism as an essence of reason and liberty. The end of the paper evaluates the historical meaning of G. K. Chesterton in the area of theological thought.
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    Political Islam in Somalia 2009
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Kumsa, Alemayehu
    The presented paper is divided into two parts. The first part tries to elucidate the origin of political Islam and its expansion in the Muslim World. The second part discusses the development of political Islam in contemporary Somalia.
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    Cizí a jiné v interkulturní filosofii
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Kučera, Petr
    The study analyses notions used in contemporary intercultural philosophy and intercultural literary science to explore various aspects of interculturality. Unlike comparative philosophy, intercultural philosophy does not place the contrasted systems of Western tradition and non-European thinking alongside each other, but correlates their philosophic subject matter. The study examines: 1) the contribution of the philosophy of difference (E. Lévinas, F. Dastur, J. Derrida, J. Kristeva, etc.) to intercultural philosophy, 2) the contribution of the concept of dialogism within a well-founded and coherent domain of phenomenological literary aesthetics (M. Bakhtin), and 3) the contribution of the theory of interliterary communication (D. Ďurišin) to intercultural literary science. Through its conception of phenomena of the foreign and other, the concept of an interliterary community is explained by key notions of national philologies, such as national literature and the literature of nation-states. On the basis of some multinational European countries, problems of complex cultural constellations will be indicated.
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    Gestika a její podoby ve výuce
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Kovářová, Dominika
    The study analyses notions used in contemporary intercultural philosophy and intercultural literary science to explore various aspects of interculturality. Unlike comparative philosophy, intercultural philosophy does not place the contrasted systems of Western tradition and non-European thinking alongside each other, but correlates their philosophic subject matter. The study examines: 1) the contribution of the philosophy of difference (E. Lévinas, F. Dastur, J. Derrida, J. Kristeva, etc.) to intercultural philosophy, 2) the contribution of the concept of dialogism within a well-founded and coherent domain of phenomenological literary aesthetics (M. Bakhtin), and 3) the contribution of the theory of interliterary communication (D. Ďurišin) to intercultural literary science. Through its conception of phenomena of the foreign and other, the concept of an interliterary community is explained by key notions of national philologies, such as national literature and the literature of nation-states. On the basis of some multinational European countries, problems of complex cultural constellations will be indicated.
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    John Pinkerton and his vision of ancient Scythians: "Si les Aryens n´existaient pas, il faudrait les inventer"
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Budil, Ivo
    The main purpose of the article is to describe the racial interpretation of European history proposed by an eminent British scholar John Pinkerton (1758–1826) in his book A Dissertation on the Origin and Progress of the Scythians or Goths (1787). The hypothesis suggested by John Pinkerton will be evaluated in a broader historical, intellectual and cultural context and its relationship to traditional Scytho-Celtic paradigm and indology of Royal Asiatic Society will be analyzed. Author argued that we could derive some fundamental similarities between Pinkerton's thesis and Aryan ideology penetrating Western political culture in the second half of nineteenth century. The fact could indicate that Western mentality used to be in a certain sense preadapted at the threshold of modernity for expansion of a new “myth of foundation” in the guise of racial aggressive narrative.
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    Úvodní slovo
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Budil, Ivo