Číslo 1 (2013)

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    Dvojí život vojvodovského rodáka Aloise Filipa (Dvě vojvodovské edice)
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Jakoubek, Marek
    The edition presents a commented transcription of the memoirs of Alois Filip, a former inhabitant of the only Czech village in Bulgaria – Vojvodovo. The memoirs cover many aspects of the (ex)Vojvodovo villager's life in Bulgaria as well as in South Moravia, where almost all Vojvodovan Czechs and Slovaks settled after remigration following World War II. The edition is supplemented by informative commentaries and prefaced by a short introduction explaining the background to the manuscript in the context of the history of Vojvodovo and its Czech (ex)inhabitants.
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    Problémy interpretace renesančního vědění: empirie vs. tradice v renesanční kultuře
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Černá, Jana
    The central theme of this study is the problem of the interpretation of Renaissance knowledge, especially the relationship between empiricism and tradition in Renaissance epoch. The paper analyses three forms of Renaissance knowledge: humanism, historia naturalis and natural philosophy. It primarily intends to reject the characteristics of Renaissance period like the age of modernism and empiricism as well as the age of renovation of antiquity. There were those who praised the classical heritage and the others who attacked the ancients while integrating many ancient concepts in their works. And therefore the Renaissance should be interpret like the period of “seeming paradoxes”.
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    Analýza sociálních a politických příčin nepokojů v Bahrajnu na jaře roku 2011
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Tarant, Zbyněk
    This article attempts to explain causes and events that led to the 2011 Bahraini protests at the Pearl Roundabout. In this article, I argue that the most common explanation – i.e.: the Sunni-Shiite rivalry – has to be understood in a wider historical and geopolitical context that has been determining the actions of the regime. Where the opposition calls for domestic democratic reforms, the regime thinks in the framework of an Arab-Irani/Sunni-Shiite strife over the dominance in the Persian Gulf and treats its Shiite majority as possible “Iranian agents”, even though it is unable to prese nt any real evidence proving the alleged Iranian infl uence on the Bahraini opposition since the late 1990s. This article is based on secondary literature and media as well as on government statistics and reports by human rights NGOs, together with US diplomatic cables. The article briefl y explains the history of Bahrain, the characteristics of the current regime, signifi cant changes in the demography in the last ten years, caused by the policy of “political naturalization” (at-tajnis as-siyyasi), and the sequence of events that caused the tension of the late 2005s, which developed into the political and social eruption of 2011.
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    Univerzum věcí
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Stulík, Ondřej
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    Rozhovor s Lukášem Novotným
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Kodet, Roman
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    Korean unification
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Kudláčová, Lenka
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    Klasické přístupy k problému objektivity v sociologii
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Kubátová, Helena
    On the basis of Popper’s strong scientific version of objectivity, the aim of this study has been to explicate and evaluate the chosen ways of ensuring objectivity in sociology. Popper’s method of critical testing of hypotheses and theories is a contrast-referential model enabling more precise identification of the importance of objectivity in sociology. Besides the introduction and conclusions, the study consists of three main parts. The first part deals with concise delimitation of Popper’s method of deductive testing of scientifi c statements, theories, and hypotheses. In the second part, the strong version of objectivity is compared with the weak version of objectivity in sociological knowledge. The third part is devoted to critical interpretation of various concepts of positivist and interpretative approaches to objectivity in sociology.
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    Muhammad Abduh – islámský modernismus a snahy o náboženskou reformu v Egyptě
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Kondrys, Jan
    This study deals with the life and thought of Muhammad cAbduh, a key fi gure of Egyptian Islamic modernism, reformist and former Grand Muftī of Egypt. cAbduh’s modernism was based on the eff ort to fi nd “rational” golden means for a solution to societal crises by a reform that would avoid the extremes of an insistent conservative resistance against everything modern, as well as recklessly accepting all that the European cultural invasion brought with it, deprecating its own roots as a result. cAbduh himself understood this reform as a return to the “pure Islam”, a rational religion supportive of energetic human activity and societal progress. In this study I deal, among other things, with Abduh’s theological stances, innovative Quranic exegesis, and his controversial fatwās.
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    Vývoj didaktiky odborné francouzštiny jako součásti oborové didaktiky cizích jazyků
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Horová, Helena
    The subject of didactics of foreign languages is the theory and art of teaching and learning foreign languages. The foreign language is to be understood as a living organism. It is a set of knowledge and skills to be mastered in the teaching process, then adopt ed. This is different from other disciplines by its vastness, complexity and considerable openness. An integral part of this issue is the methodology of technical/professional language. The problem of teaching professional foreign language is currently one of the hot topics in which foreign language didactics is engaged. This issue brings with it a whole new set of questions – questions which modern language teaching methodology strives to answer. The aim of our paper is to familiarize the reader with the development of language for specific purposes, didactics as an integral part of the French language, and didactics of foreign languages. Attention is paid to the diff erence between general and specific language training. The study chronologically presents different concepts from the 2nd half of the 20th century to the present.
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    Slovinští diplomaté ve slovanském světě
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Hlaváčková, Hana
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    Humain, posthumain
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Fridrichová, Radka
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    Fenomén bezdomovectví: Případová studie klientů organizace Naděje
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Dirga, Lukáš
    In this article the author contributes to a sociological perspective of the unemployment of the people without a home. He postulates that education has the strongest eff ect on the level of unemployment of people without a home. This relationship between unemployment of this specifi c social group and the education is controlled by a set of independent variables. Assumptions are focused on the infl uence of sex, age, marital status, family background, education and a number of children. Six hypotheses are tested using OLS regression and logistic regression. Results are compared and generalized to a population of clients of the Naděje organization, which provides help and support for homeless people. This analysis uses a data set collected by the organization. Results confi rm some hypotheses and contribute to a point of view regarding unemployment of homeless people infl uenced by the same factors as in the majority population, but there are also several exceptions in specifi c populations of the Naděje organization’s clients, especially in the case of education.
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    Příčiny egyptského povstání
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Burgrová, Helena
    The study aims to explore the origins of the Egyptian uprising of 2011 that resulted in the fall of Husni Mubarak and his closest circle. The underlying argument of the study is following: neglecting of the structural problems prevalent in the country, for instance, the growing size of population, the increase of poverty or high unemployment among educated youth, led to a growing discontent among Egyptians which was further fed by omnipresent repression of the political opposition, high rates of corruption among the regime representatives, and plans for a dynastical power transition.
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    Úvodní slovo
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Budil, Ivo
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    Obraz židovských lékařů a lékárníků v muslimské polemické literatuře mamlúckého období
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Boušek, Daniel
    The aim of the present study is to outline the image of the Jewish physicians and pharmacists of the Mamlūk period in Muslim literature. The ample presence of Jewish physicians and pharmacists in Islamic society is vividly documented in biographical lexicons of physicians and fi ndings of the Cairo Genizah starting from the 10th century. Their names figure in the classical period of Islam among members of entourages of caliphs, sultans, viziers, generals, or governors. This tolerant attitude, however, changed in the 13th century. The worsening of the social and legal position of Jews and Christians during the Mamlūk period in Egypt and Syria is refl ected also in the attitude of Muslim society towards non-Muslim and particularly Jewish physicians. Contemporary Muslim literature portrays a Jewish physician as someone whose only aim is to harm Muslims by false or poisonous drugs and who deprives Muslim physicians of work. The paper documents this bias, which has its counterpart in Medieval and Renaissance Christian literature, with citations from various Arabic sources with diff erent agendas, and tries to outline its origins and the impact on the attitude of Muslim society towards the Jewish minority in the studied period.
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    Dobytie Sudánu vojskami Muhammada Alího (1820–1824)
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Beška, Emanuel
    This paper deals with two Turco-Egyptian expeditions sent to Sudan by the Egyptian viceroy Muhammad cAlí Pasha at the turn of the second decade of the 19th century. The fi rst one was commanded by his son Ismácíl Kámil Pasha and conquered the Kingdom of Sinnár. The second campaign was led by his son-in-law Muhammad bey Khusraw ad-daftardár and captured Kordofán. After the revolt of the riverine tribes was brutally suppressed Sudan became an Egyptian colony. However, the main goals of the expedition – to acquire large quantities of gold and to build a modern army from black slaves – did not materialize.