Číslo 2 (2013)

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    Metodologie výzkumu paleolitické jeskyně Lapa do Picareiro (Portugalsko)
    (AntropoWeb, 2013) Kubátová, Ilona; Friedl, Lukáš; Jurman, Kryštof; Lungová, Veronika; Haws, Jonathan; Benedetti, Michael
    Caves represent portions of past landscapes that were, for a long time, used by humans and their ancestors for various purposes and therefore, they have been a focus of researchers for more than two hundred years. Accumulated artifacts, ecofacts, and sediments can be used to reconstruct the environments and lives of the past. Here, we describe current methods applied to excavations of cave sites with emphasis put on their interdisciplinary nature. The case of systematic interdisciplinary research is documented with regard to the Lapa do Picareiro limestone cave, located in central Portugal, approximately 100 km north of Lisbon. The cave sediments have been dated to between 45 and 8 kya BP. A wide range of evidence from the cave (artifacts, faunal and floral remains, sediments, etc.) is used to reconstruct past natural environments (e.g., Bicho et al. 2011; Haws 2012), including fauna (Haws and Valente 2006; Hockett and Haws 2009; Valente 2004), human diet (Hockett and Haws 2009) and socio-natural interactions (Haws 2012). The interdisciplinarity is a key to understanding a whole series of phenomena which would not otherwise be understood. The current scientific demand for high quality, complex research and publication is mirrored in an increasing trend of incorporating specialists from other fields in research design and management.
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    Využívanie folklórnych motívov v súčasnom tanci
    (AntropoWeb, 2013) Benčaťová, Denisa
    This paper is based on a bachelor thesis which had the aim of showing the implementation of folk motifs in other types of dances apart from the folk dance styles, namely in the professional dance form of the latest demonstration of movement - in contemporary dance and physical theatre. It does not stress the issue of stylized dance folklore and its interpretation on the stage; it works with the folk motif as with a symbol depending on the particular plot of the performance. This means that the folk motif has a functional meaning, thus supplementing the nonverbal communication. This article deals with representing folklore from an interdisciplinary point of view: it uses knowledge from ethnology in identification and analysis of folk demonstrations in contemporary dance and physical theatre, and it also uses knowledge from choreology within the analysis and the structure of the particular motifs and levels of stylization. In order to achieve our aim, we have chosen the structural method and formal analysis; we have also created graphic models. We consider the key part of the paper to be the clarification of the graphic models presented, which connect the issues of occultism and initiatory rituals with issues of contemporary and folk dance. Thanks to the connections found between movement production and imitative occultism, both the principles of occultism and the ways it affects objects can be identified in the creation of movement. As a result, inferences can be drawn based on the performance analysis. This article is based on empirical knowledge: two professional dance groups and their performances serve as the example. They show the meaningful form from the content and visual points of view. When speaking about folklorism, we consider this topic to be a new one because the basics of the research concern folk dance presented in a different dance style and processed in other than its “own stylized” environment.
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    Oromský nacionalismus v čase nejednoty
    (AntropoWeb, 2013) Záhořík, Jan
    This study deals with the politically sensitive but very topical conterporary issue of the Oromo nationalism which forms an important part of the modern history of Ethiopia. Recent developments in Ethiopia, as well as among the Oromo diaspora, show that there exists a huge diversity within the so-called Oromo nationalism which makes it very complicated to describe and analyze the movement in general. The main claim of this article is that rather than one unified Oromo nationalism, there are various types of Oromo nationalism which are in many cases mutually unintelligible. Moreover, contemporary Oromo historiography has become so much influenced by simplifications and mythologization that it is almost impossible to lead a serious discussion about specific historical issues regarding the Oromo population in Ethiopia. This article is a modest contribution to understanding the complexity of Ethiopian socio-political development, as well as to the issue of Oromo nationalism in particular.
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