Číslo 3 (2013)

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    Avicenna: Živý, syn Bdícího, Pták a Salamán a Absál. Iniciační příběhy
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Vitásková, Magdaléna
    Avicenna (980–1037) was one of the foremost thinkers of the Islamic East and a unique representative of falsafa, the medieval Islamic Hellenistic philosophy. The present paper focuses on his philosophical-mystical recitals Hayy ibn Yaqhdan (The Living, Son of the Vigilant), Risalat at-Tair (The Epistle on Bird) and Salaman wa Absal (Salaman and Absal) and presents them as a cycle of initiation stories. The protagonist of these stories is the human intellect, which undergoes the journey towards higher knowledge under the guidance of an initiator, the Active Intellect. Using the language of symbols and metaphors, Avicenna presents the central elements of his teachings – the theory of intellect, psychology, epistemology, the theory of matter and form, cosmology, emanation theory, angelology and theology – and emphasizes the angelic nature of the human soul and its capability of reaching salvation from the material world and returning to God, its spiritual point of origin.
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    Autoritou od stredoveku až podnes: Myšlienkový vplyv Ibn Tajmíju na radikálny politický islam neskoršieho 20. storočia
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Ostrolucký, Ján
    This article is dedicated to a description and analysis of Ibn Taymiyyah’s main concepts that influenced authors of radical political Islam of the 2nd half of 20th century. The main focus is on the concepts of jihad, holy struggle in Islam, hisba, the concept of an ideal Muslim rule and geopolitical ideas in Islam inspired by Ibn Taymiyyah and used in modern islamic ideologies embraced by Abdasalam Faraj, Osama bin Laden etc. This article shows the main connectiing lines between the medieval scholar and modern radical islamic fundamentalists in a historical and a political context. Special attention is given to Taymiyyah’s influence on Islamic radicals who spread their ideas throughout the Muslim world and took violent actions during and after the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
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    Mezinárodní management geostacionární orbity
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Machoň, Miloslav
    The scope of this article is an introduction of the most discussed political issues in the international management of the geostationary orbit. A geostationary orbit is one of the most favorable geopolitical locations for establishing telecommunication by satellites. The most discussed political issues relating to international management of the geostationary orbit in UNCOPUS, UNOOSA and ITU are matters of territorial claims, direct broadcast by satellites and space debris.
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    Bezpečnosť ako kategória
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Kudláčová, Lenka
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    Posledný tanec prezidenta Sáliha
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Kramáreková, Veronika
    The Arab spring represents one of the most important historical events in the Arab world. The series of uprisings has aff ected almost every country in the region and brought a possibility for change of old autocratic systems. This paper deals with the Yemeni Arab spring, which was in the media shaped by the events in Egypt and Syria. It analyses the key players of the uprising, both in the regime and the opposition. The article shows that the very period of the Arab spring was not comprised of protests only, but was a complicated power game infl uenced by external players, mainly by Saudi Arabia and by the tribalized nature of Yemeni society. The Arab spring also brought a possibility for women to participate in public life, which is very limited in this conservative country. Their eff ort was in a symbolic way rewarded by awarding the Nobel Prize to Tawakkul Karman, one of the most important opposition activists of the Yemeni Arab spring.
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    Vodní zdroje Asýrie
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Král, Pavel
    This paper takes up the issue of water resources and their exploitation in ancient Assyria. Although in books and papers we can usually find mentions only of the big rivers (Tigris, Great Zab and Small Zab), and possibly other irrigation canals, the author wishes to show that the question of water resources is actually much more complicated. We must take into account small streams, wadis, springs, wells, water-holes, and enclosed depressions as well. Each of these water resources plays a specific role in the landscape. We must keep in mind that rainfall was very important for the region. Assyrian kings were aware of the natural conditions of their land and they were able to handle the water resources. They were capable of modification of water management by means of canal construction.
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    Milníky na cestě
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Kondrys, Jan
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    Vojenská doktrína swarmingu jako re/definice základních principů války
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Kalinič, Petr
    This paper, “The Military Doctrine of Swarming as a Re/definition of the Basic Principles of War“, concentrates on the postmodern military doctrine of swarming. This article is focused on the definitions of swarming, a brief history of this doctrine and the analytical application of the so called “nine principles of war”. These principles provide general guidance for the conduct of war at all levels (strategic, operational and tactical) and seem to be essential for understanding the capacity for innovation and the real impact swarming tactics have and will have on current warfare. The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate that swarming tactics either fully correspond to all of the principles (objective, offensive, mass, economy of force, maneuverability, unity of command, security, surprise and simplicity) or suggests an extremely valuable update to the interpretation of these fundamental principles of warfare.
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    Strůjci národního ponížení: zobrazování nepřátel v soudobých čínských kung-fu filmech
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Hulec, Pavel
    A pivotal position in the official interpretation of the history of the People’s Republic of China has been the so-called Century of Humiliation. In this official narrative, during the years 1839–1949, the Chinese state was weakened through the influence of exploitative foreign powers and this humiliation ended with victory by the Chinese Communist party over the Guomindang in a civil war. Contemporary Chinese martial arts movies are often situated exactly in this era, when an admirable hero fights against evil and cruel Japanese or European forces. The focus of this article is the depiction of enemies in selected recent martial arts movies, which support the official version of events, and confirm the position of the “Chinese nation” as a victim of the West (including Japan) and highlights the distinction between “us and them”.
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    Povstávání z popela: mexická kulturní identita v proměnách času
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Hazaiová, Lada
    This paper discusses the phenomenon of Mexican cultural identity and the transformation of their concepts in the last hundred years, and theoretically defines postulates that form the basis for further research in the internal grant project (UEP). After providing a brief outline of the historical evolution of Mexican cultural development, the text analyses some partial views of various Mexican intelectuals, essayists and novelists (A. Reyes, J. Vasconcelos, O. Paz, C. Fuentes, C. Monsiváis) who attempt to reflect the complicated nature of Mexican identity, which has been the subject of permanent interest since the emergence of an independent state in the 19th century. The aim of the text is primarily to approximate the Czech public process of complex cultural layering, which is a source of enriching diversity and problematic inconsistencies as the background for transforming the world in the context of current globalization efforts.
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    Současná česká politika. Co s neefektivním režimem?
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Havlík, Vlastimil
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    Pojetí džihádu v Lidových novinách a Právu v letech 2001–2011
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Hásová, Veronika; Váně, Jan
    This text is focused on the presentation of jihad in Czech newspapers over the course of 10 years after September 11th, 2001 in three periods – the first period runs from September 11th, 2001 to September 11th, 2002, followed by the years 2006–2007 and 2010–2011. The main aim of this work is to compare two different political journals (Lidové Noviny and Právo) and find out if there are some similarities or differences in constructing representations of Islam through the term jihad. This has been done in two steps. In the first step, the term jihad is analyzed throughout the articles. In the second step, two different theories (clash of civilization and multiculturalism), which might be implicitly involved in media discourse, are used for further analysis of these articles. The methodology combines two approaches – qualitative and quantitative content analyses. Eight different frames of jihad are defined through qualitative analysis: (1) duty, (2) defence/revenge, (3) holy war, (4) undefined, (5) jihad of sword, (6) “self-improvement”, (7) semantic shift of jihad and (8) global jihad. The most interesting is the seventh category, which uses the term out of its religious meaning, as synonymous with a fight, chaos, aggression etc. Furthermore, this work will show that left-wing and right-wing journals don’t fulfill the expectations corresponding to their political rhetoric. Articles from left-wing journals contain much more signs of the clash of civilization than they do of multiculturalism. Thus, the main result is that the political dichotomy between the right-wing and left-wing is disappearing in the Czech Republic.
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    Styly a strategie učení ve výuce cizích jazyků
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Hanšpach, Daniel
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    The Pittsburgh School of Philosophy – Sellars, McDowell, Brandom
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Dach, Stefanie
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    Prof. RNDr. MUDr. Jaroslav Slípka, DrSc. (10. června 1926–24. července 2013)
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Budil, Ivo
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    Evropská zahraniční politika v arabském Středozemí a její vztah vůči islamismu 1995–2011
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Brtnický, Michael
    The primary aim of this work is the analysis of the relationship between European foreign policy in the area of Arab Mediterranean and Islamism. Under the terms of European foreign policy, the author believes both the foreign policy of the EU and member states’ foreign policies are realized beyond the EU institutional framework. This work views the European Union and Islamism as structural powers. Structures in this context are comparatively stable organizational principles and rules, and structural power is endowed with the authority and capacity of setting down the rules of a game and determining how others will play this game. This approach enables European foreign policy, perceived in the conventional and structural foreign policy continuum in terms of Stephen Keukeleire’s definition, to cover sometimes neglected foreign policy dimensions. Although within the framework of international relations theory, social constructivist theory is undoubtedly important for gaining an understanding, this concept does not relate to any of the structural approaches of other international relations theories. It concentrates on the relation of EU foreign policy to authoritative regimes in Arab countries, to the opposition powers - particularly those using Islamic symbolism – and to civil society. The case study dealing with the relation between European foreign policy and Tunisia is included. This study demonstrates the internal political dimension and inconsistency of European foreign policy in this area, where the accentuated priorities of respect to human rights observance and democratization have become victims of the growing trend of securitization and proclaimed stress on stability hiding cooperation with the authoritative regimes.
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    Nejen o českém euroskepticismu. Rozhovor s Vítem Benešem z Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Naxera, Vladimír