Postmoderní státy jako nositelé a zprostředkovatelé kantovské etiky v mezinárodních vztazích
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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
The article examines the correlation and interconnectedness between the so-called Kantian
ethics in international relations and specific group of states that bear, promote and intermediate
Kantian norms in the international politics. The first part of the article presents the
contemporary theoretical discussion on international ethics and its plurality, later the focus
heads more on the basic characteristics and specifics of Kantian ethics in the comparison
with other types of ethical approaches – and culture of anarchy (Alexander Wendt) – in international
relations, the Hobbesian and the Lockean one. In the second part of the article we
apply the theoretical concept of Kantian ethics on specific type of state in international system
– the post-modern state – based on the definition of this type of state given by Georg
Sørensen or Robert Cooper respectively. The analysis shows three categories of post-modern
states developing and promoting the Kantian concepts in international relations – middle
powers, civilian powers and good international citizens.
etika, Kantova filozofie, mezinárodní vztahy
Acta Fakulty Filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2009, č. 2, s. 102-123.