Rozvoj systému ekonomického řízení ve vybraném segmentu nestátních neziskových organizací

dc.contributor.authorMacková, Marie
dc.contributor.refereeMajdúchová Helena, Prof. Ing. Ph.D.
dc.contributor.refereeMlčoch Lubomír, Prof. Ing. CSc.
dc.contributor.refereeSikorová Eva, Doc. Ing. CSc.
dc.description.abstractDisertacni prace je zamerena na rozvoj systemu ekonomickeho rizeni ve vybranem segmentu nestatnich neziskovych organizaci. Vybranym segmentem je segment evidovanych pravnickych osob, ktere jsou zrizovany cirkvemi a nabozenskymi spolecnostmi podle zakona c. 3/2002 Sb., o cirkvich a nabozenskych spolecnostech v platnem zneni, a ktere jsou evidovany v Rejstriku pravnickych osob vedenem MK CR. Pod Rimskokatolickou cirkvi dle Kodexu kanonickeho prava existuji, pokud jde o sdruzeni vericich, dve formy pravnickych osob, a to verejna a soukroma sdruzeni vericich. Zakladnim rozdilem je zpusob zrizeni. Disertacni prace se specifikuje jeste na uzsi vyber evidovanych pravnickych osob, a to na soukroma sdruzeni vericich v Ceske republice. Teoreticka vychodiska zahrnuji analyzu pristupu ceskych a zahranicnich zdroju k vymezeni terminu "nestatni neziskova organizace", jeji funkce, role a rysy. Teoreticka vychodiska dale obsahuji analyzu pristupu k ekonomickemu rizeni nestatni neziskove organizace, vychazejici zprvu obecne z rizeni podniku, ekonomickeho rizeni podniku a nasledne ekonomickeho rizeni nestatnich neziskovych organizaci a jejich ukazatelu. Na teoreticka vychodiska navazuje empiricky vyzkum zkoumane evidovane pravnicke osoby Koinonia Giovanni Battista - Koinonia Jan Krtitel (soukrome sdruzeni vericich). Byl navrzen system ekonomickeho rizeni pro vybrany segment nestatnich neziskovych organizaci, ktery je zalozen na integraci ctyr komponent s fazemi zivota nestatni neziskove organizace. Cilem systemu je zajistit cilene usmernovani cinnosti nestatni neziskove organizace zamerene na podporu, dodrzovani a dosazeni poslani, strategie a cilu nestatni neziskove organizace, a to s hospodarnym vyuzitim vecnych, financnich a lidskych zdroju. Navrh muze byt vyuzit u evidovanych pravnickych osob, soukromych sdruzeni vericich v Ceske republice. Je prenositelny i na ceske spolky, ktere se zabyvaji kulturne-duchovni cinnosti. Je rovnez vyuzitelny i u zahranicnich Koinonii, a to zejmena u slovenskych a polskych, z duvodu podobneho legislativniho ramce.cs
dc.description.abstract-translatedThe dissertation focuses on the development of economic management system in a selected segment of non-governmental non-profit organizations. The selected segment is the segment of registered legal entities, which are established by the churches and religious societies according to the legal act Nr. 3/2002 Coll., "Law on churches and religious societies" as amended, and which are enrolled in the Register of Legal Entities maintained by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. In the Roman Catholic Church according to the Code of Canon Law exist, with respect to associations of believers, two forms of legal entities, specifically public and private associations of believers. The fundamental difference is in the form of establishment. The thesis aims to a narrow selection of registered legal entities, namely to private associations of believers in the Czech Republic. Theoretical basis includes analysis of the approach to the definition of the term "non-governmental non-profit organization" by Czech and foreign sources, its function, roles, and features. It also contains analysis of approaches to the economic management of a non-governmental non-profit organization, which is based on general operational management, economic and financial management and then on the economic management of non-governmental non-profit organizations and their indicators. The theoretical basis is followed by empirical research focused on registered legal entity Koinonia Giovanni Battista - Koinonia Jan Krtitel (private association of believers). An economic management system was proposed for the selected segment of non-governmental non-profit organizations, which is based on the integration of four components into the lifecycle of the non-governmental non-profit organization. The objective of the system is to ensure targeted guidance of the non-governmental non-profit organization activity focused on support, compliance, and accomplishment of the mission, strategy and goals of the non-governmental non-profit organization with economical utilization of material, financial and human resources. The proposed system can be used by other registered legal entities, private associations of believers in the Czech Republic. It is also applicable to Czech associations, which are dealing with cultural- spiritual activities. It might be also used by foreign Koinonias, particularly by Slovakian and Polish, thanks to the similar legislative framework.en
dc.format187 s.cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.cs
dc.subjectnestatni neziskova organizace (nno)cs
dc.subjectevidovana pravnicka osobacs
dc.subjectekonomicke rizenics
dc.subject.translatednon-governmental non-profit organization (nno)en
dc.subject.translatedregistered legal entityen
dc.subject.translatedeconomic managementen
dc.subject.translatedmeritocracy.enápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta ekonomickácsýcs a managementcs
dc.titleRozvoj systému ekonomického řízení ve vybraném segmentu nestátních neziskových organizacícs
dc.typedisertační prácecs


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