Shape optimization of a Timoshenko beam together with an elastic foundation

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University of West Bohemia


In this article we are going first to aim at the variational formulation of the bending problem for the Timoshenko beam model. Afterwards we will extend this problem to the Timoshenko beam resting on the Winkler foundation, which is firmly connected with the beam. Hereafter a shape optimization for the aforementioned problems is presented. The state problem is here represented by the system of two ordinary differential equations of the second order. The optimization problem is given as a minimization of the so-called compliance functional on the set of all admissible design variables. For our purpose as the design variable we will select the beam thickness. Shape optimization problems have attracted the interest of many applied mathematicians and engineers. The objective of this article is to present a solution method for one of these problems and its demonstration by examples.



Timoshenkův nosník, elastický podklad, metoda konečných prvků, tvarová optimalizace


Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2010, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 179-190.