Influence of the third space harmonic wave of the magnetic density of currents and torque of induction motor

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University of West Bohemia


Influence of the third space harmonics of stator current layer and field density on properties of induction motors is discussed in the paper. The rise of these waves in connection with zero-sequence component in stator currents is shown. It is proved that the flux corresponding to the third wave of the field density passes through the air gap and can give rise to rotor currents in dependence of rotor winding configuration. Symmetrical component corresponding to the third space waves of current layer results in increasing of machine currents and additional losses. The additional torque is produced by interaction of these components.



indukční stroj, symetrické komponenty, induction machine, symmetrical components


AMTEE ’03 : fifth international conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering : September 10-12, 2003 [Klatovy, Czech Republic], p. 47-50.