Remote display of large raster images using JPEG2000 and the rectangular FishEye-View

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UNION Agency – Science Press


In mobile environments, the size of large raster images often exceeds the display area on small output devices. The rectangular Fish Eye-View as a Focus & Context technique can be used to provide an interactive view of the image without zooming and panning. This paper presents the application of JPEG2000 for the demand-driven transmission of image data optimized for this display technique. The proposed method is fully compliant to the JPEG2000 standard and enhances its static concept for regions of interest to be fully dynamic. Due to limited processing power at client side almost all calculations belonging to the dynamic RoI-coding are executed at server side.



kódování obrazu, přenos obrazu


Journal of WSCG. 2003, vol. 11, no. 1-3.