Evolutionary Identification of Active Particle Systems
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University of West Bohemia
This paper presents how it is possible to introduce active motricity into particle-bond systems used in applications such as image animation. We chose to add into some neural network capabilities over the classical approach, in order to obtain a system able to model a larger class of behaviour. Therefore a new type of binary bond enriched with a neural-based command ability is proposed and tested in this paper. This “active” bond acts like a controlled muscle in order to produce motricity.
An Evolutionary Strategy is used to optimise the particle-bond system parameters through evolving parameter sets. We tested our method both on artificially generated data and on data collected from real-life motion.
Results and comparisons between our method and other approaches show the advantage of using active particle-bond systems for image animation applications.
počítačová animace, počítačová grafika, počítačové modelování, evoluční strategie, analýza pohybu, neuronové sítě
WSCG '2000: Conference proceeding: The 8th International Conference in Central Europe on Computers Graphics, Visualization and Interaktive Digital Media '2000 in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS and IFIP WG 5.10: University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech republic, February 7 - 10, 2000, p. 92-99.