Jeruzalémský chrám v proměnách věku
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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
This article describes more then 1.000 year’s history of one of the most famous building in
ancient Israel. King David made Jerusalem as the centre of his kingdom and he only prepaired
the building plan. Later, his son Solomon built sanctuary for God’s name. Architecture
of the Jerusalem Temple was inspired in Mesopotamia. There wasn’t any statue or image of
God like in Mesopotamia, but inside in the Holy of holies was only the tabernacle. Jerusalem
Temple was twice destroyed. For the first time by Nebuchadnezzar II in 586 BC and for the
second time was destroyed by Romans in 70 CE. Before the second destruction the Temple
was rebuilt by king Herod. Herod let extend temple area, expanded Temple and gave its
new form. My work descirbes how the Temple and the Temple mount looked in many periods,
at Solomon’s time, at Cyrus’s time, at Herodes’s time and now. According to legends,
from the Temple mount God took clay for creation of the first men Adam; there also went
Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. That is the reason, why was this mount chosen as the
place for the Jewish Temple. At the present time there is Dome of the Rock.
Jeruzalémský chrám, historie, starověký Izrael, judaismus
Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2009, č. 2, s. 82-95.