Inductive Elaboration of EM Theory

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University of West Bohemia


With some its additional elaboration, an original development of EM theory is here presented, from the cruder to the finer levels of observation. Dual conception of the two EM fields is gradually transferred into trilateral system of radial – static, transverse – kinetic and longitudinal – dynamic elementary forces, in the functions of position, motion and acceleration of interacting charges. Three sets of the basic equations, relating the three ranks of EM quantities, are presented. Their senses and ranges of validity are determined.



elektromagnetická teorie, základní zákony, centrální pole, algebraické vztahy, diferenciální rovnice


ISTET 2013: International Symposiumon Theoretical Electrical Engineering: 24th – 26th June 2013: Pilsen, Czech Republic, p. I-35-I-36.