Influence of particles-matrix interphase on stress distribution in particulate composite with polymer matrix

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University of West Bohemia


Abstract In this paper fracture behaviour of particulate composite (CaCO3 – PP) is studied. Attention is focused mainly to the influence of interphase between particles and matrix on stress distribution and on micro-crack propagation in composite matrix. The composite was modeled as three-phase continuum and numerically simulated on a microscopic scale using the finite element program ANSYS. Simplified two-dimensional model is used for estimation of hypothetical micro-cracks path prediction. The influence of interphase properties on fracture toughness for particle reinforced polymer composite is discussed.



částicové kompozity, šíření trhlin, CACO3 - PP kompozity


Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2007, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 143-148.