Vehicle lateral dynamics stabilization using active suspension

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University of West Bohemia


The paper deals with the investigation of active nonlinear suspension control in order to stabilize the lateral vehicle motion in similar way as systems like ESP do. The lateral stabilization of vehicle based on braking forces can be alternatively provided by the different setting of suspension forces. The basis of this control is the nonlinear property of the tyres. The vehicle has at least four wheels and it gives one or more redundant vertical forces that can be used for the different distribution of vertical suspension forces in such a way that resulting lateral and/or longitudinal forces create the required correction moment for lateral dynamic vehicle stabilization.



automobilové podvozky, atomobilová elektronika, stabilita, simulace a modelování, jízdní vlastnosti


Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2008, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 255-264.
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