The Kyiv Society of Naturalists and its Importance in the Development of Zoology

dc.contributor.authorStrelko, Oleh
dc.contributor.authorPylypchuk, Oleh
dc.contributor.authorPylypchuk, Oksana
dc.description.abstract-translatedUntil recently, most of the works on the history of naturalist societies have been devoted to the Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tartu, and other societies. The study of scientific heritage and other societies has become an urgent need. Among them, a particular attention is paid to the Kyiv Society of Naturalists (1869–1929), which contributed significantly to the systematic development of many branches of natural science since the late 1860s. By choosing the Kyiv Society of Naturalists (hereinafter referred to as the KSN) as the topic of our research, we sought to recreate a holistic picture of the history of that society based on historical and scientific analysis. Within that society, the issues of higher education, scientific training, and practice emerged in a single complex with outstanding scientific research, traditions of Kyiv University, and specific socio-historical conditions for the development of Ukraine. The history of the KSN is highly instructive in terms of identifying the dependence of its development not only on the accumulation and theoretical comprehension of scientific facts but also on various forms of social creation and national traditions. The analysis of the specific concepts of the Kyiv naturalists is utterly vital to clarify the genesis of scientific ideas and problems. The creation of new scientific areas is associated with the activity of the KSN. The Society has largely contributed to the development of the materialistic worldview. The enormous moral and spiritual potential accumulated within the Society still remains the essential virtues that young scientists are educated on. Achievements of the KSN set the prerequisites and grounds for the development of many scientific areas in the Soviet era. Finally, many fundamental issues addressed by the Society are still relevant today. The significance of the KSN in the development of natural science in the post-Darwinian period has not been sufficiently discussed in the scientific literature. As far as we know, there are almost no works considering this issue from the perspective of modern natural science. Meanwhile, the KSN experience deserves a thorough study to highlight not only the history of the Society but also its part in implementing fundamental research in biology, geology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, geography, and other sciences. We are trying to fill this gap to some extent. The stated motives determined the topic of our research – the activities of the Kyiv Society of Naturalists (1869–1929) as a whole. The history of the creation and functioning of the Kyiv Society of Naturalists (1869–1929) and its role in the development of zoological research in the Russian Empire and in the early years of the young Soviet state are considered. Analysis of the history of zoological research in the KSN showed that several zoological schools emerged and successfully developed in Russia. One can point out the morphological school of A. N. Severtsov, associated with the names of I. I. Schmalhausen, B. A. Dombrovsky, M. M. Voskoboinikov, the paleontological school of N. I. Andrusov, and the school of experimental zoologists of I. I. Schmalhausen. The problem of the emergence of zoological schools in the KSN and Russia as a whole, both in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet times, was important for understanding the emergence of the theoretical foundations of zoology. However, it remains underdeveloped. Thanks to the discoveries and research carried out by the KSN naturalists, zoological science has been enriched by outstanding scientific works, underpinning, and promoting the development of modern zoology. The successes of the KSN naturalists in the fauna’s study led to a high level of zoological thought in Russia and Ukraine. The study of the emergence and progress of evolutionary trends in different areas of zoology will make it possible to recreate the complex picture of the development of scientific prerequisites for evolutionary biology and the reconstruction of the entire biology on an evolutionary basis with maximum completeness over time. Therefore, the history of the emergence and development of zoological research in the KSN should be regarded as an interesting and fruitful part of the history of biology as a whole.en
dc.format18 s.cs
dc.identifier.citationWest Bohemian Historical Review. 2024, no. 1, p. 105-122.en
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rights© Západočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.subjectzoologické výzkumycs
dc.subjectspolečnosti přírodovědcůcs
dc.subjectKyjevská společnost přírodovědcůcs
dc.subjectvývoj embryologiecs
dc.subjectevoluční a funkční výzkumycs
dc.subject.translatedzoological researchesen
dc.subject.translatedsocieties of naturalistsen
dc.subject.translatedKyiv Society of Naturalistsen
dc.subject.translateddevelopment of embryologicalen
dc.subject.translatedevolutionary and functional researchesen
dc.titleThe Kyiv Society of Naturalists and its Importance in the Development of Zoologyen
dc.type.statusPeer revieweden


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