Reconstruction of a fracture process zone during tensile failure of quasi-brittle materials
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University of West Bohemia
The paper outlines a technique for estimation of the size and shape of an inelastic zone evolving around a crack
tip during the tensile failure of structures/structural members made of quasi-brittle building materials, particularly
cementitious composites. The technique is based on an amalgamation of several concepts dealing with the failure
of structural materials, i.e. multi-parameter linear elastic fracture mechanics, classical non-linear fracture models
for concrete (equivalent elastic crack and cohesive crack models), and the plasticity approach. The benefit of this
technique is expected to be seen in the field of the determination of fracture characteristics describing the tensile
failure of quasi-brittle silicate-based composites. The method is demonstrated using an example of a (numerically
simulated) fracture test involving the three-point bending of a notched beam and validated by experimentally
obtained results of three-point bending and wedge-splitting tests taken from the literature.
cementové kompozity, lomový proces, lomová mechanika, kvazi-křehké materiály
Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2010, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 237-250.