Moc, revoluce a kolektivní jednání v dílech Michaela Manna, Charlese Tillyho a Thedy Skocpolové

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


Michael Mann, Charles Tilly a Theda Skocpol are the leading personalities of the so called “New historical sociology” in 80ies. The main goal of the article is to present the ideas and thinking of these three in Czech social sciences less known authors and try to outline the comparison of their approaches. Based on analysis of their works and the secondary literature on them, the article shows that all of the authors connect not only the historic-sociological method but as well the modernization perspective, interest for the social change, inspiration by Marx and Weber and the revision of their thinking. On the other hand there are significant differences among them based on their topics (in sense of space and time), interests for a different social processes, macro-, mezo- and micro approach and methods of their research.



sociologie, moc, revoluce, kolektivní jednání, hostorická sociologie, Michael Mann, Charles Tilly, Thed Skocpal


Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2009, č. 4, s. 41-61.
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