Effects of manufacturing process in crash simulations

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University of West Bohemia


This article describes an impact of a manufacturing, which can significantly change real parts behavior. The influence of technology process is neglected in regular simulations. However, advanced finite elements solvers make possible to involve themanufacturing process in final simulations. It brings distortions and initial distribution of stress and strain into simulations. The possibilities are demonstrated on a crash simulation of a simple box-beam, where stamping and welding processes and spring-back are considered. All mentioned operations are performed in Virtual Performance Solution. The effects of manufacturing process are discussed with a respect to common simulation practice at the end of the paper.



bodové sváry, numerická simulace, řetězení simulací, výrobní proces, metoda konečných prvků


Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2010, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 113-120.