Sledovanie tvorby triesky pri frézovaní

dc.contributor.authorTarasovičová, Adriána
dc.contributor.authorBelán, Miroslav
dc.contributor.authorKasina, Marek
dc.contributor.authorMichalik, Peter
dc.contributor.authorŠomšáková, Zuzana
dc.description.abstract-translatedMilling is one of the basic methods of machining where material is removed interrupted cut. A characteristic feature of this operation is that the removed material hasn´t a constant section, the chip thickness is observed. It is a variable. Therefore, medium chip thickness hm was determined. The experiment was realized by climb milling where the chip during the machining of a lot to say. Uncoated cutting tool was made of speed steel and the cutting speed was changed at three levels. The entire experiment was concentrated at monitoring the formation and shaping of chip at low speeds, as part of other experiments to be carried out at lower speeds. Three kinds of materials were machined, where the machinability has been evaluated on the basis of the chip shaping and it was compared with machinability according to the content of chemical elements in the material. From Groups of chips produced in the milling of the materials were selected representative samples, which were noted of the radius of these chips at 50 times magnification. The inaccuracy of this method mustn´t is forgotten, because the chip thickness is not constant and there is some distortion. At the selecting the reference material was assumed that material STN 12 050 is optimal machinability and was chosen as the reference material. All three materials as well cultivated by the shape of chips were appeared at cutting speed 4m.min-1. When gradually increasing the cutting speed changes occurred first and STN 14 220 material exhibited better machinability than material STN 17 241. Machinability according of chip shaping was also confirmed by machinability content of chemical elements in the material. According to the carbon content could be said that the STN 14 220 has better machinability, but the chromium content makes the material tougher and so makes worse its kinetic and dynamic machinability. Corrosion resistant steel STN 17 241 has the largest chromium content, it is tough, therefore kinetically and dynamically machinability is worse than previous materials. If the goal was to get a good surface quality material STN 17 241 would be in the first place thanks to the highest manganese content. Machining was recorded using high-speed camera Phantom. For the record it was observed the chip formation and their removal from the cutting zone. Chips were twisted into the radius but in machining stainless steel by higher cutting speeds were recorded the highest values of the chip radius of curvature. Observed of chip formation is more widespread in turning than milling operations. However, it is important to follow the features of various technological operations, because each is different and brings a deeper understanding of patterns of technological processes.en
dc.description.abstract-translatedPríspevok sa zaoberá tvorením a tvarovaním triesky pri frézovaní nízkymi reznými rýchlosťami. Frézovanie bolo realizované použitím krátkej drážkovacej frézy určenej na výrobu drážok pier o priemere 6 mm. Tvorba triesky bola sledovaná pri konštantnej hĺbke rezu a konštantnom posuve. Rezná rýchlosť bola menená na troch úrovniach. Dané podmienky rezného procesu boli aplikované pri frézovaní uhlíkovej ocele, mangano-chrómovej ocele a chróm-niklovej ocele, čiže korózii odolnej. Následne bola sledovaná tvorba triesky pomocou vysokorýchlostnej
dc.format7 s.cs
dc.identifier.citationStrojírenská technologie Plzeň 2011: sborník abstraktů: IV. ročník mezinárodní konference konané ve dnech 25.- 26.1.2011 v Plzni. Vyd. 1. Plzeň: ZČU v Plzni, 2011, s. [1-7]. ISBN 978-80-7043-934-0.cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta strojní. Katedra technologie obráběnícs
dc.rights© University of West Bohemiaen
dc.subjecttvorba třískycs
dc.subjectpoloměr zakřivenícs
dc.subject.translatedchip formationen
dc.subject.translatedradius of curvatureen
dc.titleSledovanie tvorby triesky pri frézovanísk
dc.title.alternativeThe observed of chip formation in millingen
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs


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