3D-shape reconstruction based on radon transform with application in volume measurement

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In this paper, we have adopted a novel method for 3D-shape reconstruction. We derived a volumetric data which is constructed from a stack of cross-section images- the so-called tomographic image. Each of the cross-section images is computed from a series of photographs taken at a number of angles around the object. A corresponding intensity profile (row) on each digitized photograph resembles a projection data, which can be used to reconstruct the cross-section image. Once the volumetric data is obtained, isosurface of the object is extracted using the well-known marching-cube algorithm before being rendered with a conventional surface-rendering technique. Unlike conventional 3D-shape reconstruction (3Dshape recovery) method of using stereo pairs of camera, our technique does not suffer from laborious corresponding problem. Nor does it require a sophisticated scanning system as it does in the laser range finder. Our purposed method is tested to perform 3D-shape reconstruction of a variety of objects. The application of our purposed method for volume measurement is also presented in this paper. The results are very promising.



3D tvary, rekonstrukce tvarů, vykreslování, pochodující kostky, 3D vizualizace, povrch


WSCG '2002: Posters: The 10-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2002, 4.-8. February 2002 Plzeň, p. 33-36.
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