Analytic solution of simplified Cardan’s shaft model
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University of West Bohemia
Torsional oscillations and stability assessment of the homokinetic Cardan shaft with a small misalignment angle
is described in this paper. The simplified mathematical model of this system leads to the linearized equation of
the Mathieu’s type. This equation with and without a stationary damping parameter is considered. The solution of
the original differential equation is identical with those one of the Fredholm’s integral equation with degenerated
kernel assembled by means of a periodic Green’s function. The conditions of solvability of such problem enable
the identification of the borders between stability and instability regions. These results are presented in the form of
stability charts and they are verified using the Floquet theory. The correctness of oscillation results for the system
with periodic stiffness is then validated by means of the Runge-Kutta integration method.
Cardanova hřídel, torzní oscilace, matematické modelování, odhad stability, Mathieuva rovnice
Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2014, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 215-228.