Dry friction damping couple at high frequencies

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University of West Bohemia


The contribution deals with the application of dry friction couples for noise and vibration damping at high fre- quency of several kHz what brings new problems connected with the small amplitudes of relative slipping motion of contact surfaces. The most important information from the experimental results is knowledge that the value of evaluated friction coefficient can have different physical sense according to the magnitude of excitation force and to the frequency of applied vibrations. If amplitudes of motion are very small, then the external harmonic force produces only elastic micro-deformations of contacting bodies, where no slip occurs and then the traction contact force is proportional only to elastic deformation of the sample.



suchá frikce, tlumení, mechanické vibrace


Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2014, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 91-100.